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We don't know about you, but we are not satisfied with just "living", We came to THRIVE! And we desire nothing less for you. With the anxiety and stress we see building up everyday, we thought there was no better time than NOW to bring to you this 28-day challenge where you'll prioritize YOU, and where you'll learn and apply a sustainable approach to create a balanced lifestyle that will bring to light the best version of yourself.

The 4 Pillars of Health



Learn the most efficient ways to fuel and nourish your body while keeping it simple.

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You are made to move, and by doing so consistently nearly every aspect of your health improves.

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Maximize the quantity and quality of your sleep and you won't believe the outcome.

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You're busy and there's always something that needs to be solved; practicing mindfulness will make more productive, happier and healthier.

This program will have you feeling the alignment and coherence that you already are, but that the fast pace of modern society doesn't allow us to naturally access. 

Here's what you get:

  • Structured Nutrition Plan.

  • Lifetime access to 3 pre-recorded weekly workout classes for those who train from home or in case you can't make it to the SoulSweat Studio.

  • Group chat with your coaches and all the rest of #SoulSweatTribe participating in the challenge.

  • Guidelines on how to master the 4 Pillars of Thrive.

  • Weekly Video Support & Teachings from your coaches.

  • A community of like-minded people.

  • Daily tasks & mindset work.

  • The daily accountability and guidance you'll need from both your community and coaches.

  • Tactics to develop and sustain the new habits you'll be learning.

We'll be hosting fun Challenges and giving away prizes!


This is for you if:


  • You already workout and want to maximize the results.

  • You have been delaying your wellness journey and are finally ready to get started.  

  • You are lacking of motivation and are done with the yo-yo dieting and the uncontrollable cravings.

  • You seek self-love and true connection with your higher self.

  • The fast-pace of modern life overwhelms you and you ready to manage your stress.

  • You are ready to take control and just need to be given the right tools.

  • You have a busy schedule and struggle with finding time for self-care.

Let's hit the reset button and nourish the mind, body and soul.

Challenge starts Monday April 4th

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